
20 Jan 2012

the rules

assalamualaikum,btw,lama gile dah aku dapat tagged nie dari fadlin,tapi sekarang baru baca.haha.mcm best jer. :D thanks FADLIN xD

-You must post this rules.
-Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
-Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
-And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
-You have to choose 11 peoples to tag and link them on the post.
-Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
-No tag back!

11 things about me :O
loyar buruk.
mudah merajuk menangis.
suka usik orang :D
suka gelak & suke bercerita :D
susah nak jatuh cinta,tapi kalau dah jatuh cinta susah nak lupekan -_-'
mudah benci percayakan orang (bahaya bahaya -.-)
malas nak buat assignment,kalau nak buat ambil masa yg lama :D
suka outing ngan kawan-kawan perempuan sahaja :)
love pizza & tutti frutti. nyum nyum ^_^
tak suka kena marah @ kena jerkah.nak tegur,silakan berlembut ya (^.^)v
selalu tidur lepas balik kelas,haha :D

Fadlin's Questions:
1. what is my full name?hak3
 ingat-2 lupa la lin,haha. FADLIN jer yg tahu,hehe
2. what is one thing pop out on your mind when you hear my name?
kek batik,hahaha.sebab first time kenal kek batik melalui fadlin. & kek batik tu best sgt sbb fadlin yg buat,hehe.terasa nk makan lagi :D
3. what is/are your favourite colour(s)?
sumua warna saya suka,tapi yg paling suka pink & merah.hihihihi :)
4. what is/are your favourite quote(s)?
jodoh itu rahsia Allah :)
5. who inspires you most?
of course Nabi Muhammad SAW :)
6. what is/are the place(s) that you love most?
PARIS!!! huhuhu,dari kecik lagi berangan nak pegi sana :D
7. boy friend or girlfriend?
erm, yet...
8. justify your previous answer.haha
LOL ^^ haha
9. what is/are your favourite movie(s)?
My GF is GuMiHo :D <3 love it.
10. love or friendship?
friendship is more important :)
11. explain your previous answer.
because I love all of my friends :)

My Question :D
1. what is your name? :D 
2. whoat are you doing now?
3. do you love me? haha :D
4. where do you live?
5. where are you studying now?
6. your facebook name? haha.
7. boyfriend or girlfriend?
8. why? refer to your 7's answer :D
9. are you hate me for make this question? haha
10. whats my fullname? xD
11. what is your favourite colour(s) ?

people i would like to tag :)

haha, thats all. malas nak tag banyak-2.sbb malas nak copy link.wahahaha xD